Passion. Experience. Diligence.

Passion. Experience. Diligence.


Described by clients as caring, thorough, well-prepared, thoughtful, prompt and a good teacher, Roger truly cares about the people he represents. Family matters involving debt or divorce are stressful and often complex. For Roger, it is not just about the case but also his client's emotional and physical health. Unlike 'TV lawyers' you might see advertising again and again, Roger's focus is on taking care of clients in a way that they will want to do business with him again and refer their friends and family.

Prior to earning his law degree, Roger served as a Development Assistant, and then the Development Officer with Eliza Jennings. Eliza Jennings is a nonprofit organization that offers a range of services for older adults. As Development Officer, Roger was responsible for all facets of the organization's fundraising programs, including annual giving, major gifts, planned giving and a variety of fundraising events.

Upon the recommendation and encouragement of the President and CEO of Eliza Jennings, an attorney and former partner at the law firm of Calfee Halter, Roger left this position to attend law school in the fall of 1998. He graduated with a Juris Doctorate from Cleveland State University's Cleveland-Marshall College of Law and began work at the Cleveland law firm of Seaman Garson, LLC. Roger's focus was in the Motion and Appellate Practice involving complex commercial insurance policy litigation. Roger achieved an expertise in this area, helping clients obtain additional compensation for personal injuries through their employer's commercial automobile insurance policies.

Roger left Seaman Garson to expand his legal practice into areas beyond personal injury and to serve clients in a more convenient location. Roger felt it was important to represent people both in his own neighborhood and beyond, from a location close to home. Today, Roger is best known for his work in the areas of bankruptcy and domestic relations.

He is meticulous in preparing accurate bankruptcy cases. Roger is thoroughly prepared for the client's examination by the Bankruptcy Trustee, meaning the client has a smooth and pleasant experience during the examination. In domestic relations cases, Roger has a knack for identifying the most appropriate strategy (be it divorce, dissolution, custody, support, etc.) to achieve the best outcome for his client with the least expense, time and anguish. Roger takes the time to counsel clients through these difficult cases, putting them at ease and helping them adjust to significant life changing events. For Roger, it is rewarding to assist people through the legalities of debt resolution and family law to help them find a new normal.